What is Rhetoric and Persuasive Speech?

The Art of Rhetoric and Persuasive Speech

The Art of Rhetoric and Persuasive Speech

What is Rhetoric and Persuasive Speech?  This is a beginners guide to The Art of Rhetoric and persuasive speaking based on methods discovered by Aristotle in The Art of Rhetoric


The Art of Rhetoric and persuasion is one of the most useful skills you can learn.  The Art of Rhetoric can be used in almost any workplace and in many areas of personal life.  The Art of Rhetoric and persuading others can be learned as easily as other hard skill sets by following a simple set of rules.  By constructing arguments properly you can persuade your audience or consumer with logic and passion.

persuade through emotion – your experience and passion

persuade through logic – evidence, authority and correct philosophical logic

persuade through stylistics – the way you shape your argument

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